Registration Overview
Registration for NewCrop ePrescribing in TenEleven is live! In order to facilitate a smooth transition to NewCrop, you will want to ensure that you and your ePrescribing staff are registered in NewCrop before your GoLive Date.
IMPORTANT: This information does not migrate in for you, each staff member who will prescribe with NewCrop will need to go through the registration process.
There are 2 parts to registration:
- Our TenEleven staff will do the pre-work for you, they will add all your staff and their role into the NewCrop ePrescribe Module in eCR.
- Then each ePrescribing and admin staff will need to go into eCR and complete the registration.
We have detailed steps that will walk you through your registration process as well as a video to walk through the process. Be sure to check out the appropriate link for your process and then watch the video below.
- Sign up for eRx Only with NewCrop for prescribers not prescribing controlled substances.
- Sign up for eRx with EPCS with NewCrop for prescribers prescribing controlled substances.
To view the TenEleven NewCrop Registration video, follow the directions in this article.
Registration FAQs
Q: How do I start this process?
A: After the TenEleven staff has set you up in eCR, go to Setup > NewCrop Registration > User Registration tab and follow the prompts. Watch the video above for a demo of the process.
Q: I work at multiple locations, how does this work?
A: Provider EPCS registrations may be copied if necessary. Providers can certainly work from multiple locations.
Q: I am a System Admin or a Nurse without prescribing. How do I set up my access?
A: TenEleven staff will set you up in the system. When you go to eprescribe, once you accept the terms, your setup is complete. IF you receive any errors, please submit a ZenDesk ticket with a screenshot of the error message and any steps that led to this error.
NOTE: Nurse Practitioners who need to prescribe will need to register.
Q: What is an NPI Certificate?
A: We only need your NPI Number and proof of its Status. In lieu of a certificate, you can go to the NPPES site and screenshot your status and the information listed just above it. Be sure the image includes your Name, NPI, Certification Date and Status.
Q: Do all document types need to be uploaded in registration?
A: A copy of your state-issued ID and state medical license is required. A copy of your NPPES page and DEA license can be uploaded if you have them.
Q: How is an EPCS Administration assigned?
A: TenEleven will set up your initial EPCS Administrator. From there you can add additional Admins.
Q: How do I reset Identity Proofing if I make a mistake?
A: Identity Proofing cannot be “reset”. This is why it is important to walk through those steps very carefully. If you do not answer your KBA questions correctly the first time, you will be given a 2nd chance to complete the KBA questions. If you do not see a 2nd try available, you will either be prompted to complete your Identity Proofing with Exostar through snail mail or webcam.
Q: I got an “Unable to Access Identity Proofing” error, what should I do?
A: Please submit a ZenDesk ticket with a screenshot of the error message.
Q: Why do you have to check my credit history?
A: Exostar uses your credit history/profile to verify that you are who you say you are. Exostar is a secure, third-party verification system. This information is solely used to verify your identity and will not affect your credit score. TenEleven does not see or store any of this information. It is done in and through Exostar.
Q: I have a credit hold due to identity theft. How do I sign up for the in-person meeting?
A: This article will walk you through setting up a webcam meeting.
Q: How do I log in to finalize my EPCS Registration?
A: After you have been granted access by an EPCS Account Administrator, connect to ePrescribe (Setup > NewCrop ePrescribe Registration > User Registration tab). You will be prompted to finalize your registration by entering a One-Time Passcode from your Authy app.
Q: What happens if a Provider does not register before our GoLive date?
A: If the Provider is not fully registered with NewCrop by the cutover date, they will not be able to prescribe any medication in TenEleven until they are fully registered.
Hardware Token and Soft Token App
Q: I currently use a Symantec VIP hard token, will I still be able to use this?
A: No. NewCrop uses a different hardware token that is ordered during the registration process. NewCrop also interfaces with the Twilio Authy app as a soft token. In this article, you will find directions for downloading the Authy app.
Q: Authy is requiring me to scan a QR code on the website to enable 2FA. Where do I get this QR code?
A: No QR code is actually needed! When you are going through the EPCS setup process, you will bind your Authy app to your account. You will receive a text message to bind your device. The QR code only shows when you are attempting to set up the app prior to going through the EPCS process.