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Scenario: A patient comes up to the window, the nurse brings up the wrong patient and accidentally selects dispense. Upon realization, the PATIENT WAS NOT GIVEN MEDICATION.
What is happening: Medication is dispensed, patient wasn’t given medication, inventory is returned.
What to do: Since the medication dispensed was not given to the patient, all operations MUST CEASE until the medication is returned to the bottle it came from. Since the patient has already received their dose for the day, the nurse cannot dispense another Clinic dose from the Medication Dispensing Screen, so the Medication Dispensing Admin Screen will be used. When voiding a dispense, the dispense recorded for the patient is removed and the medication is RETURNED to the bottle in which it came from. Now, select the correct patient from the Patient List on the Medication Dispensing Screen and proceed with dosing. Follow the steps below to void a dispense.
- CEASE all operations and return the dispense medication to the bottle it came from.
- You must physically pour the medication back into the bottle.
- In eCR, you must Audit the bottle’s inventory (refer to Medication Bottle Audit for details).
- The patient accidentally dispensed to will return to its previous color.