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For a patient to be dispensed medication, the user (Dr. or Nurse) must write an order for the patient. The form requires, at minimum, a signature from the nurse to allow a schedule to be created. The form can be routed to a Dr. for signature. In the Order Form, the end-user can provide Treatment Instructions as well as Admin Instructions. Patients can have multiple orders on their chart, but the orders CANNOT have overlapping Start and Discontinue Dates. A Schedule cannot be written until an Order has been signed and locked. See below for the steps required to write a Medication Order.
To access a Medication Order Form, open a Patient’s Chart Details (The patient should be registered in a Program that contains the TGI Medication Order Form v2).
Writing an Order (Methadone Liquid 10mL Dose)
- Click on TGI Medication Order Form v2 from the Available Forms list to open it.
- Order Date – Defaults to the date the form was first opened/created.
- Start Date – Select the date of which the patient is to start receiving medication (This is the first date of which the patient will appear in the Medication Dispensing Screen).
- Discontinue Date – If known, select the date of which the patient’s medication is to discontinue (at midnight of the day selected). If left blank, the order will be continuous and NEVER expire.
- See below for steps on how to discontinue an order.
Writing an Order (Methadone Tablet)
Repeat the same steps as shown for Writing an Order (Methadone Liquid) except the Medication selected is Methadone HCL Tablets.
Writing an Order (Suboxone Films)
Repeat the same steps as shown for Writing an Order (Methadone Liquid) except the Medication selected is Suboxone Films.