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- Go to Setup 🡪 Clinic Options.
- Select the 2nd General Tab.
- Flag Use Medication Billing- Displays the Med Dispensing Tab in My Billing.
- Select the 3rd General Tab.
Medication Dispensing- System Settings for Medication Dispensing.
Create Hold of type _ after _ days missed. – This functionality is used to hold Medication from being dispensed to a patient if they missed their dose after X number of days.
- The drop-downs available to select as the Hold Type are set up under Setup 🡪 Lookup Manager 🡪 “Hold Type” table.
Label Warning (~25 characters can fit on the label) – This text will be printed at the bottom of the label. Leave blank if there is already a warning on the label.
Create Hold of type _ after _ days missed. – This functionality is used to hold Medication from being dispensed to a patient if they missed their dose after X number of days.
- Select the Dispensing Tab.
Medication Order Threshold-Allows the user to set the threshold to which a user is displayed a warning for adjusting a patient’s medication order. When a user adjusts over either threshold, the user is displayed a warning and prompted to declare the reason for the adjustment and check off that they have done all the necessary checks/tasks associated with the adjustment.
- Use Confirmation on Dispense- Forces the user to check off that a patient has been informed that their medication dosage has been changed and the difference between the current dosage and the past dosage goes beyond the assigned thresholds.
- Medication- Select the medication to be assigned a threshold.
- Positive Threshold- The amount a dosage can be increased before a warning is displayed (max).
- Negative Threshold- The amount a dosage can be decreased before a warning is displayed (min).
Custom Threshold Confirmation Dispense Message- Set a custom message that will appear when a max or min threshold, if left blank the default message will appear.
- Default Message: The dosage amount is different from the last dispensed dosage. Does the patient confirm that they are aware of the change, that the change was discussed with the medical provider, and that the new dosage is correct?
Medication Day of the Week Warning- Sets controls to send a warning when a user sets a discontinue date on a day the clinic is closed for the Medication Order Form v3.
Require Discontinue Date- Check to require a discontinue date on Medication Order Form v3.
- # of Days on Discontinue before Warning- Enter the interval in which your agency requires a new methadone order to be written for a patient (Ex. 90 Days).
- Check Day of the Week Warning on Order Form- Check to enforce warnings on Medication Order Form v3 when the user sets a discontinue date on a day of the week that is invalid.
- Select Days of the Week that Receive a Warning- Check which day(s) would send a warning if the discontinue date falls on that day of the week (Ex. If your agency is closed on Sundays you would flag Sunday. If the discontinue date of the order falls on a Sunday you will be warned.).
Require Discontinue Date- Check to require a discontinue date on Medication Order Form v3.