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This screen allows the end-user the ability to add/edit medication inventory (bottles) as needed. Depending on the Dose Amount, Dose Unit, and Initial Count you can determine if a bottle is liquid, tablet, or film. The end-user can also bulk insert inventory, creating the same bottle as many times as indicated.
To access this screen, go to Administration 🡪 Medication Inventory.
Be sure to select the Inventory Location to see any pre-existing or newly created inventory.
Creating a New Bottle (Liquid)
- Clear/New – Select Clear/New if there is information for an already created bottle populated.
- Location- Select a facility the bottle will be used at.
- Window- Select the window the bottle will be dispensed from.
- Medication- Select the type of medication that will be dispensed from this bottle.
- Description- Enter a description for the bottle.
- Manufacturer- Enter the name of the manufacturer of the bottle.
- Lot Number- Enter the lot number of the bottle.
- Dose- Enter the Dose Amount for the medication (Enter 1).
- Dose Unit- Select the Dose Unit of the medication (Select mL).
- Initial Count- Enter the amount of mL or mg that is initially in the bottle (Enter 1000).
- Bottle Number- Enter a bottle number.
- Sealed- This is how you indicate to eCR that the bottle is ready to be used when dispensing medication. Note: You may assign a bottle to a window while the bottle is sealed.
- When checked, this indicates the bottle is sealed and CANNOT be dispensed from.
- When unchecked, this indicates the bottle is unsealed and CAN be dispensed from.
Creating a New Bottle (Methadone 40mg Tablets)
- Repeat steps 1-7 as seen for Creating a New Bottle (Liquid).
- For the Dose enter 40.
- For the Dose Unit select mg.
- For the Initial Count enter 100.
- Enter a Bottle Number and indicate Sealed or not.
Save and Repeat for each bottle you wish to create.
Creating a New Bottle (Suboxone 8mg Films)
- Repeat steps 1-7 as seen for Creating a New Bottle (Liquid).
- For the Dose enter 8.
- For the Dose Unit select mg.
- For the Initial Count enter 30.
- Enter a Bottle Number and indicate Sealed or not.
Save and Repeat for each bottle you wish to create.
Bulk Inserting Bottles
*When creating inventory in bulk, each bottle will have the same information except the bottle number.*
- Complete all information except for the Bottle Number (see above for a description of each field).
- Select the Bulk Insert button.
- Bottle Prefix- Enter a bottle prefix (typically a letter).
- Start Number- Enter a start number.
- End Number- Enter an end number.
- NOTE: Difference between start and end number will determine how many bottles are created.
Editing an Existing Bottle
- Select an existing window from the table.
- You can use search/filtering functionality to filter by a specific window (Search Windows) and/or only show sealed or unsealed bottles (Show Sealed/Unsealed) and/or include Empty Bottles.
- You will notice the window is now highlighted blue in the table.