How to remove a dispense – Go to the Medication Dispensing Admin Screen. Search location, patient and order. Select the dispense that occurred and click the Remove button. If you remove a dispense, the medication goes back into the bottle, and the dispense to the patient never happened.
- When would you do this? I have dispensed to the wrong person by accident.
- When would you do this? I have dispensed to the wrong person by accident.
How to spill a dispense – Go to the Medication Dispensing Admin Screen. Search location, patient and order. Select the dispense that occurred and click the spill button. If you spill the dose is removed from the patients record, NOT the inventory.
- When would you do this? In the case of an accidental spill, and or the patient never received the medication.
- When would you do this? In the case of an accidental spill, and or the patient never received the medication.
How to dispense from the admin screen. – Go to the Medication Dispensing Admin Screen. Search location, patient and order. Click new and fill in all required fields. amount, type – mg/ml, dispense date, for date, reason selection, reason for/comments).
- When would you do this? Patient takes medication and vomits, patient will need to be re-dosed.