This article will show you how to manage default application settings that are specific to your clinic. Clinic location information, preferences associated to My Billing, Print Headers, and Default Users can be set up here.
Clinic Defaults can be found one of two ways:
- From the Setup drop-down menu, go to Clinic Defaults.
- From the desktop menu, if set up in My Preferences, go to Administration > Clinic Defaults.
Click the tabs below to expand the information on each tab.
Access Level Permission
- Go to Administration > Access Levels.
- Select the existing access level or create a new access level.
- See this article for instructions on how to create an access level.
- See this article for instructions on how to create an access level.
- Select the 2nd User Access tab.
- Check the box for Defaults.
- Click Save and repeat for each access level that will be given permission for Clinic Defaults.
Company Info Tab
This information will populate on all formal documents such as releases, print headers, etc.
- Enter the Legal Name of your clinic.
- Enter the Address, City, State, and Zip Code of your clinic’s billing location.
Note: For the zip code, enter 9 digits with no spaces or dashes.
- Enter the Phone Number for the clinic and Ext if needed.
- Enter the Fax number for the clinic.
- Enter the County the clinic is located in.
- In the Company Community Name, enter a descriptive name for the clinic in the community.
- Enter the Community Initials for the clinic.
- In the Health eLink OID field, if the clinic works with Health eLink, enter the OID.
- If you do not, leave this field blank.
- Click Save.
My Billing Tab
This tab sets a default diagnosis for the agency.
DSM – Legacy item, select a diagnosis that would apply to all visit types agency-wide.
- NOTE: If you plan on using more than one diagnosis, leave this field blank.
Print Headers Tab
This tab allows you to set default print headers to appear on forms for specific programs. The standard file size for the print headers should be 700 x 150 so we recommend uploading a .png, .bmp, or .gif file so the file size does not exceed the size limit.
- Select Upload/Remove Header.
- In the Header Attach window, click Upload.
- Select the file you want to upload and click Open.
- Select the file name from the drop-down menu.
- Click Accept to add the default header to the list of options to choose from.
- In the Header File column, select the default header to be used for the program.
- Click Save.
- Repeat for each program you wish to add a default header to.
Default Users Tab
Add Default Users to a Program
You can add users to a program by checking boxes or by dragging and dropping. When adding a user to a program, that user will only have access to charts that are added from that point on.
Note these settings at the bottom of the Defaults window BEFORE adding users.
- Check the box for Apply Added Users to All Active Charts if the user(s) will need to be added to all active charts in the selected program.
- Note: If this option is left unchecked, the added user will only have access to forms that are added from the point the user was added on.
- Check the box for Add to Inactive Also if the user(s) will need to be added to all active AND inactive charts in the selected program.
- Note: This option cannot be checked without Apply Added Users To All Active Charts being selected.
Checkbox Selection Method to Add a User(s) to a Program/All Programs
- Click on the desired program.
- Click ALL PROGRAMS to add a user to all programs.
- Check the box next to the user(s) you would like to add to that program.
- Check the Select All box to select all users.
- Click the blue arrow to move the selected user(s) into the program.
- The user(s) will appear beneath the program you selected.
- Click Save.
Drag and Drop Method to Add a User(s) to a Program/All Programs
- Click and hold on the user to be added to a program.
- Drag the user to the program you want to add them to and release.
- Repeat with all users to be added to a program or moved to a different program.
- Click Save.
Remove Users from a Program
Note these settings at the bottom of the Defaults window BEFORE removing users.
- Check the box for Apply Remove Users To All Active Charts if the user(s) will need to be removed from all active charts in the selected program.
- Note: If this option is left unchecked the removed user will only be removed from forms that are added from the point the user was removed on.
- Check the box for Remove from Inactive Also if the user(s) will need to be removed from all active charts AND all inactive charts in the selected program.
- Note: This option cannot be checked without Apply Removed Users To All Active Charts being selected.
- Navigate to and expand the program the user is in.
- Right-click on the name of the user that you would like to remove.
- Select Remove From Program to remove the user from that program only.
- Select Remove From All Programs to remove the user from all programs that they are in.
- Click Save.
- Repeat for each user you wish to remove as a default user from a specific program(s).